My name is Paul Greenbaum and I’m 60 years old. I have spent nearly my entire life learning and practicing methods for keeping healthy and out of the doctor’s office.
Perhaps, it would be closer to the truth to say that I was compelled to seek health and healing. I was an anxious, hyperactive child, who never felt at peace in his own skin. At a young age, I turned to martial, arts, yoga, and meditation for answers. I became a capable fighter, possessed a flexible, seemingly healthy body, and was able to better control my thoughts, but I never touched the core of my uneasiness.
In my mid-twenties, a near death experience rocked my world. It took years to mend my physical injuries and longer to heal psychologically. When the smoke cleared, I was technically recovered, but my health wasn’t what it was before the injury. So began a long quest to regain it.
I continued with my martial arts, yoga, Qigong, and meditation but I also studied nutrition, herbs, fasted, did colonics, and practiced many methods of natural healing. But the years passed and I still didn’t feel as well as I once had. I believed, as so many young people nearing thirty, that I was just getting older and having less energy and vitality was normal.
In my thirties, I became a chiropractor, acupuncturist, and massage therapist. It was the tough cases, the patients I couldn’t help that led to countless hours of studying with some of the best teachers, healers, and doctors on the planet. I studied esoteric psychology, energy medicine, and shamanism in the Peruvian Amazon.
I believed I was trying to learn more to help others. I didn’t realize that the underlying reason for all my soul searching was not just to help patients, but also to find truth and peace within myself.
After decades of searching I found what I was really looking for––myself. Now, I not only possess unusual vitality, but live in peace, joy, and gratitude. I can enjoy life as it’s meant to be, and I have the tools to share it with others.
I’ve taught martial arts, yoga, Qigong, meditation, and Tai Qi for the last 30 years. Since 1994 I’ve taught nutrition, traditional Thai Massage, and also pioneered a unique self growth class called Transformational Yoga, that emphasizes healing the mental, emotional, and unconscious blockages that hold us back from living as fully as possible.
I’ve sifted through many, many paths and have chosen what really works. I feel confident that the methods I share will change your life.
Why Take Your Health Into your Own Hands?
A lot is riding on it!
Paul with his Daughter, Amy
If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, my system may be for you.
You already know it: hospital costs are absurd. Even procedures performed by doctors are astronomical, and there may be undesirable side effects from drugs and surgeries. Don’t count on Obamacare or any insurance to keep you healthy. Don’t rely solely on your physician. Take Your Health In Your Own Hands!
Paul doing yoga in his mid-50’s
My system is a synthesis of effective methods. Each modality increases vital circulation in it’s own way, which is the key to health and healing.
I frequently start a person with herbal medicine, nutrition, and yoga.
Why Herbs?
Herbs protect and rejuvenate the internal organs. They stop the leakage of vital energy due to the stressors of life. Some indigenous peoples believe––as I do––that herbs are plant spirits that have come to teach and help humanity. If you can provide the right herbs, almost any condition may be cured. High-quality herbs also act as allies to give you a shot of energy. Added energy helps you to feel better and motivates you to begin other aspects of your practice.
Personal optimal Nutrition…
is a pillar of my upward spiral system. Eating high quality, real food detoxifies and reduces internal inflammation. Nutrition builds a new body, cell by cell, from the inside out.
At the same time your body is cleansing and re-building itself through nutrition…a special system of Yoga and Breath-work develop internal energy, which brings not only increased physical health, but also deep joy and ecstasy. Through these arts, your vision and intuition begins to awaken.
***You don’t need to be flexible to do yoga. All levels of health can participate.
After you have started on the diet, yoga, and breathing exercises, you will probably be feeling better than you have in a long time. Now, we look at Detoxification. External chemicals, heavy metals, and electromagnetic radiation are removed from your environment and we attempt to clean their residues from your tissues. I also share methods of Self-Massage to increase circulation, ease pain, and relax the body.
Health is freedom, so our overall goal is freedom from pain of the body and mind. Therefore, whatever is burdening you on the mental/emotional levels should be addressed. When you let go of mental/emotional burdens, its like untying a knot. When the knots are untied, your nervous system relaxes and vital energy flows freely.
It might be said that the real health is awakening to the preciousness of life. As you develop an awareness of your true self, it brings peace of mind and a deep joy to live. You see that you are not separate from life, but one with it. After awakening, your entire body/mind/emotions are permanently altered. States of peace, love, and gratitude become the norm. You are grateful, simply to be alive and the only words that come close are thanks. (See my book: The Road To Peace Runs Through The Valley Of Death)
The synthesis of my system is more powerful than the parts. Together, these methods can rejuvenate, tone, and help you recover from serious illness. If you are physically healthy, this system will give you more energy, beauty, and joy. I’ve used this system on hundreds of patients, and in my own life. I feel as if I’m sitting on a simple, inexpensive secret that can help a lot of people to better health, more joy, and freedom.
The Upward Spiral
It is possible to be biologically longer and do more than you think is possible. Look at this push up challenge. At 56 I was able to do 85 pushups in one minute. Just a few days before my 60th birthday, I performed 108 pushups in one minute, Count Them!
I don’t practice pushups regularly. I attribute the increase in vitality to adherence to my program.
Next Steps: Download my free ebook.
Click Here to download the 7 Secrets to Feeling Sexy, Beautiful, and 10 years younger.
J. C.
Dr. Paul has been working on my back for over 20 years. He’s the only chiropractor I know who has you wait two minutes then sees you for an hour + as opposed to the other way around. He is a true healer through acupressure. I highly recommend him and his way of life.
Billy S.
Vancouver, WA
Dr. Paul is THE best healer I have ever been treated by!
He is very through and efficient.
His multifaceted approach is highly effective.
You will be very pleased with his services.
H. B.
I’ve been receiving care from Paul Greenbaum for about a year now. I have chronic pain and tightness in my neck, shoulders, and hip, which has significantly improved since I started treatment with Paul. Before I began to see Paul, I had started to believe that I had two choices when it came to massage: relaxing massages that feel great but are not very therapeutic, or intense and painful massages that are therapeutic but not very relaxing. Paul’s massage therapy is a magical combination of relaxing AND therapeutic. I’ve been to numerous massage therapists and have never before had consistent results from such relaxing, nurturing treatments. Of course, Paul is much more than a massage therapist. Depending on the patient’s needs and comfort level, he also weaves chiropractic care, acupuncture, and vast knowledge and intuition from a life of spiritual curiosity into his treatments. I have also found that I love talking to Paul. He listens and shares his philosophies and perspectives on life, which have, in turn, broadened my own interactions with life.
Collin S.
Dr Paul is an excellent healer. I saw him first for yoga instruction and he was dynamic , diligent, thoughtful and compassionate. later I saw him for soft tissue injuries sustained from being rear ended at 60mph on I 84 while at a dead stop. He was able to reduce the pain significantly in a few treatments over two weeks so I could get on with my life and work. The pain and restrictions where resolved in less than two months. He also taught me how improve my eating habits and directed me to resources so I had less inflammation overall. Dr. Paul does it all: Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage, Yoga and Nutrition. I was further impressed that he has trained and graduated from highly accredited institutions and accumulated several honors over the years. He is a life long student and teacher of healing. His treatment center may appear humble but the quality of healing he delivers is superior.
I have been receiving care from Dr. Paul Greenbaum on and off for the last 15 years. As an acupuncturist, and massage therapist he has treated me for a rotator cuff injury that most therapists or doctors would have recommended surgery but he, with hard work and using multiple healing methods, gave me a 100% recovery. His true caring and multi faceted approach are the best I have ever received. He has worked on hip issues improving my mobility and ability to recover from a hip replacement.
I am proud to recommend him as a true healer.
Armun Z.
Vancouver, WA
Dr. Greenbaum is truly amazing! In my sophomore year of high school I received my 3rd concussion, this one was very severe and I felt the effects long term. I would get painful migraines everyday and no medication or doctor was able to help. Luckily, one day a family friend recommended Paul to me. After only 3-4 sessions my migraines had already decreased and my ability to focus was much better too. I highly recommend Dr. Greenbaum to any of you who have been dealing with a health issue for a while that no one has been able to help you with, he has a way of finding the root of the problem and solving it from there.
Rose Z.
Vancouver, WA
Dr. Paul Greenbaum is truly a HEALER!
For many years I was suffering from Migraine headaches, I was treated by several doctors and tried so many different medications but none were helpful, then I was referred to Dr. Greenbaum by a friend. At first I wasn’t very optimistic but from the moment I met Paul things started to get better. He helped me look deep into my soul and recognize the real problem and find a way to deal with it. Also with the combination of massage therapy, acupuncture and chiropractic treatments he cured my migraine. I barely have headaches anymore and I feel great. Ever since, I’ve been referring Dr. Greenbaum to all my friends and family, no matter what the problem is he always find a way to help!
Michael K.
Portland, OR
Dr. Paul’s ability, guidance and compassion almost seem magical. i’ve known him 25 years and would whole heartedly recommend him to anyone. His touch and overall care are off the charts and he gives all of himself in whatever he does. i couldn’t be more impressed.
C H.
Vancouver, WA
Being a general contractor in the area I have been seeing Dr greenbaum for over 8 years and he repairs the damage I do to my body in my career so I can keep going back to work.
If it wasn’t for his excellent nutrition advice I would probably have to see him more often then I do. Instead of treating symptoms he fixes the problem. one of the best “wellness” doctors I have been to.
J P.
Portland, OR
PAUL SAVED MY LIFE: Ok that might be an overstatement however he did save me from most probably being crippled or @ least in pain for the rest of my life,I had gotten hurt in an auto accident & went elsewhere 1st,the other place only made things worse,much worse,it took me an hour to crawl 20′ ,my ex wife suggested I go see Paul so off I went & in a few short sessions I was vastly improved,I really can’t explain how thankful I am for him but if you have any pains especially major things that others can’t fix then for your own well being give him a try”words can not explain”
Thank You Paul
Jodi L.
Clackamas, OR
Dr. Paul provides a comprehensive approach to healing each of his patients on an individual basis. He is sensitive, intuitive and genuinely caring. Dr. Paul’s years of training are evident in his approach to treating the whole person. Dr. Paul was able to cure my back pain after I had exhausted all other options. He understands the needs of his patients and is able to help them achieve wellness and learn how to help themselves. Dr. Paul is professional, understanding, and flexible. He possesses extensive knowledge and provides complete medical care. I trust Dr. Paul and consider him the best in his field.
Deborah D.
Portland, OR
Paul is truly a magic man. He has many many years of experience as a healer and I have never had better chiropractic care or body work done. I always go to see him after over training muy thai or for general training injuries and leave feeling better than before my injury. I feel extremely safe and confident in his abilities and have no trouble relaxing to let him work his chiropractic magic. Plus, all the other reviews are totally on point. Paul is a former yoga instructor, author, current martial artist, and just a flat out cool dude. Go see Paul. You will not be disappointed.
Dunya C.
Portland, OR
I have worked with Dr. Greenbaum on a regular basis for over a year. It is the most transformative experience I have ever had with a professional. Paul has healed emotional traumas from my past, physical injuries from old car-accidents, mental challenges around relationships, and spiritual blocks around my heart through the amazing work he does.
Paul is a one-stop shop – he will transform you and help you in aspects of your health you never knew needed to be worked on!
Francesco T.
Portland, OR
Over the course of the last many months, Dr. Paul has helped to foster an epic transformation in both my physical and mental health. He draws upon dynamic mix of training and practices to provide the most comprehensive health support I have ever encountered in a health care practitioner. Through my continued dedication to health cultivation and his brilliant abilities to nurture well-being, I have achieved some significant changes that only continue to develop and grow. I am grateful to Dr. Paul. So very grateful indeed.